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"Enhancing Young Lives for a Brighter Future"

The ideology of The Haven School Wolston is one of inclusivity and we are determined to see success for all of our young people. Our core aim is to offer a highly bespoke education to enhance the social and emotional wellbeing and life chances of vulnerable children who struggle in a mainstream educational setting. Therefore;


• We are committed to providing effective learning opportunities for all pupils and apply the principles of the Equality Act 2010 into our curriculum planning and teaching. Suitable and challenging learning opportunities will be planned and delivered for all pupils with the aim of maximising achievement for each individual.


• Teachers will respond appropriately to pupils’ diverse learning needs and be aware of their needs based on gender, special educational needs, disability, disadvantage (including those pupils who are eligible for the Pupil Premium grant) and pupils who are newly arrived and/or speak English as an additional language, for whom individualised assessments will be carried out, including for those who are newly arrived to the UK.


• We are committed to the principle of equality of opportunity for all and this will be reflected in the curriculum, the assessment for learning opportunities offered, the quality of education provided and the achievement of all pupils.



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Head Teacher's Message

I am extremely proud to be the Head of The Haven School Wolston.


The time, care and attention that has been taken to create a welcoming and safe environment for pupils demonstrates the commitment to young people that the school has.


We hope to see pupils that attend our school grow and develop into young adults that have been given the opportunities to achieve to their full potential and our curriculum and support will enable this. 


A highly skilled staff team will ensure that pupils that attend have the knowledge, support and guidance to help them to understand their needs and encourage independence. 


The vision of the school is 'A Place to Belong' and I look forward to all of our pupils feeling this. 


Anna Besley 


ext chapter in their lives, be it Post 16 Education, training or employment.

Our Aims

  • To maximise pupil achievement.

  • To make focus quality-first teaching on individual pupil needs.

  • To provide an appropriate curriculum for all pupils.

  • To ensure that pupil progress and attainment is tracked effectively.

  • To ensure the swift and effective identification of learning interventions where needed.


Please find key contacts for The Haven School Wolston below:

Anna Besley


Martin Cain


Steve Farmer


Unit 2, 68, Albion Court,

Attleborough Rd,


CV11 4JJ




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